My mom

by Miss Chickity   Feb 17, 2005

I hate my life,
because of my mom,
she just assumes,
and doesn't stay calm.

she's over protective,
doesn't let me do anything,
she says i have free choice,
but she's the one choosing.

she makes all my choices,
chooses all that i do,
i wish i had someone,
someone that was new.

someone who let me,
hang out with boys,
eat whatever i want,
and not pick up my toys.

i wish i had someone,
i could talk to,
and isn't always yelling,
"close your mouth when your chew"

i have no freedom,
she takes it aall away,
but dont worry,
someday she'll pay.

she'll wake up,
and i'll be gone,
happily finding,
a new mom.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Brooke

    hey man alest u have a mom! my mom leaves me for her boyfriends and is a crak head. I wouldn't be here if i loved with her, i live with my dad. i would rater have an over protective mom than a crack head. i cant stand her. i love her but i dont.