8 am I wake up, I love him.
Thoughts come rushing back to me,
Pain, Passion, feelings like a poison.
Rushing through the day, keeping busy.
Lunch, I stop to think, I hate him.
Remembering the betrayal,
The constant state of hurt.
Not being able to move on, open my eyes to anew.
6 pm I come home, I love him.
His words still echo in my head,
The tenderness of his touch tantalizing my senses,
Feelings of belongingness take over.
10 pm I go to bed, I hate him.
My bed so empty and cold,
No arms wrapped around me,
Nightmares come and go with no comfort.
Midnight I sleep, I…
Get lost in a tangle of confusion,
Emotions change quicker than the tide,
I lie, tossing, turning, all because of you.
Love or Hate??