My love for you

by Tammi   Feb 17, 2005

When I first met you
I feel in love
I looked into your eyes
I know you were sent from above.

You are my angel
I will always love
Your wings you cannot see
They are beautiful to me.

You can make me laugh
You can make me cry
You have made me love you
Now only God knows why.

You have my heart
You have my soul
You are the one
who Has made me whole.

Our love we have to hide
That hurts me deep inside
Our love is not accepted
By our God up above.

God says it is wrong
For me to love you
Just know that my
Heart will always be true.

I will love you
Till my dieing day
And even God
Can’t take that away


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  • 13 years ago

    by Chevalier des Fleurs

    Oh WOW!
    I <3 this one.
    I totally relate Tammi.
    You know what I am talking about.
    The end doesn't relate to me so much but I feel this poem strongly and fondly in my heart.
    A masterful write, keep your head up and never give up on love.

  • 19 years ago

    by rar

    Very good poem

  • 19 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Wow i kno thats gota be hard that its against God. *sigh* i kno you'll always love her...and maybe a man will coem into your life good luck....and i kno what ur goin through wit hormones and stuff my best girlfriedn is bi..i mena we hold hands and hugg a lot but thats jus cuz we've been best friends for 5 years i have a speaciula somone named joh nthat is my best friend and we will be datign in february. anywasy my point is hold her close as you can...even when you get a guy that doesnt take away ur feelns for her. good luckkkkk. keep writing. XXLISSA

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    lovely rhymer, heartfelt!

    take care, 5! always believe in love

    ♥ amit ♥