Deticated To Kelly

by Mexxy   Feb 18, 2005

I woke up screaming again
I wish it was like it was back then
You were alive and close to me
Why oh Why did you have to leave
I didnt know you felt so bad
I tried to be there every time you were sad
But I guess my love wasn't enough
Everyone knew you had it rough
You were always happy on the outside
Not even I realized how you felt on the inside
If I was there more often maybe you would still be alive
Why Kelly, did you have to die?
I thought i was hated and slit my wrists too
But you should of known I loved you
You made me realize life's to good to end
I just hope somehow you know you'll be in my heart forever my dearest friend...


I wrote this in memory of my dearest friend Kelly. I tried to be there for her but I couldn't. I'm sorry we couldn't be together longer...I miss you.


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~Patiently Waiting~

    Hey that was really good but also really sad, i have a poem just like it titled my sister and when i read yours i thought it was really amazing. that was really good and i hope you keep writing.

  • 19 years ago

    by Treakle

    Beautiful, you were such a good friend to her i can tell

  • 20 years ago

    by Fighter (Ariane L.)

    i really like it! im really sorry ur friend left you, but know that she's watching over u. great poem! keep up the great work!