Comments : Entangled

  • 20 years ago

    by Knight_of_Blackrose

    Wow that was really great... It had vivid imagery and heart!
    Keep writing

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    your thoughts are sincerly poetic, i deeply admire your work.

    and thank you for all the kind comments on my poems however on "Existance of Choice", I just want to clear up something that I feel you think and sorry if I am wrong, however, I do not disrespect your decision to look away from God. I am in no way a Christian nor do I follow a Bible yet I do pray to my higher power, Christ because I feel Him in my heart but for the bullshit of Christianity, church ,and the Bible I do not which I'm often disrespected in that way but it's freedom to be who you are. My best friends follow different religions and have different gods and I am open to who they are. "Existance of Choice" was written for the ignorant bits of society (not for you), you know the teens who don't believe in God because of their petty pain? you know the teens with no knowledge what so ever on religion nor life....that's who I was referring to. Hun, I deeply admire you for expanding your mind to who and what you are as long as I'm respected back.
