Comments : Sparks of the mind

  • 18 years ago

    by Wip lost the Rhythm

    Which are their fate
    this ones survived that hellish fall of fate
    then its left to be rated

    I think you should use a different word instead of fate so that it's not used two times in a row, people might feel like it's over used.

    no it is neither though its in front of your face
    there everywhere and know where
    in every song and serenade
    they are left in peoples note books
    and left scratched into the floor

    those lines = love for me

    overall it's good but I think the ending could go to a different place, I feel like for me the ending is the easiest one for you so thats the one you took, it's almost too obvious for me. So I think you could work a little on that, I don't think it needs much work just a little, but overall it's really good and I like it !

    sorry if i was a little harsh*

  • 16 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    I think I understand this piece and can follow where it leads and what it means. Good one...