Natalie..La Plus Jolie Des Filles

by Sarah   Feb 18, 2005

§ Inspired By The Cinderella Story §

*La Plus Jolie Des Fille - The Prettiest Of All Girls

A palace of stone stood atop a hill of grass
The setting of a fairy tale, a scene from a ball of glass
It glowed there, in the moonlit skies
Calling every fair maiden for miles

A marbled ball room held the finest festivities
Every face embroidered with happiness
They danced and enjoyed the stars so bright
Cupid flew in to create love that night

For in a far corner sat that girl
In a blue gown, around her neck a pearl
The girl that stole him from the start
Her brown eyes pierced through his mortal heart

In the middle of the dance floor she slowly flowed
That blue gown was the wind, blowing as her chestnut hair glowed
He needed to have just one minute with this angel
Just a moment to hold her and feel the thrill

His heart was set on her pout
He desired nothing more than to seek her out
Her name, the brand this cherub held
Natalie, the fairest of all the land

Oh Natalie
La plus jolie des filles
Her dark hair entangled him in a dream
She was the poison that would kill him

Tell me how you came from the heaven\'s above
How your white face shines, like a gallant dove
A symbol of the peace he felt upon this meet
He took her by the hand, no one else could dance with her that night

Oh Natalie I will never let you go
From my eyes you will disappear never more
My lady desire what you may
I will care for you for ever on from this day

As he looked deep beyond her dark lashes
A tear drop stole it\'s way through her eyes
Sliding down her glowing face
Now a reminder of the real world that he left in disgrace

Oh Natalie what makes you cry
He uttered from his lips words that fell through the night
Holding her close for fear that she would be gone
But she pulled away and in a flutter ran

He chased her, panting for breath
His oxygen had left
As he fell to the floor in pain
Calling for her, yelling out her name

Natalie why do you leave me
Why do you run with such vigor away from me
What is it that I have done to make you part from my arms
How will I go on now that you are gone

But as he looked up to see her disappear in the wind
That blue dress carried her from his sight to beyond
Her dark hair ran free
That picture of her was his only memory

All that was left of this fair maiden
Was the pearl necklace that she dropped down from heaven
As a memento of the moments of love he felt
Before she disregarded his heart and left

But he whispered from his lips
The only words that could bring her to his fingertips
La plus jolie des filles
Was his only way to bring back Natalie...



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  • 19 years ago

    by FTS Miles

    Not sure how I missed this being posted, and so long ago at that!

    An interesting tale to be told, and I can't help but wonder how it came to you. Inspired by the tale of Cinderella, and yet there is something to the crafting and progress within the poem that makes me wonder at your choices in formulating events. For that, if nothing else, I enjoyed its telling and where it led.

  • 19 years ago

    by Lexi Lou

    wow! loved it!

  • 19 years ago

    by ?

    Wow!! That was so beautiful, you have such a great imagination, keep it up xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    ~ very very lovely and lengthy write. good job, done!
    ~ take care, 5!, always believe in love ~amit