The unhappy love

by mika   Feb 18, 2005

It started when i was fifteen,
I try-ed to find someone who cares..

And where ever i might go,
The guys used me like a h*e.

I did what ever i could, they din´t treat
Me like they should.

Then i turned sixteen, i meet my first love,
I gave him my whole heart, and he
Was my angel from above,
and i din´t know
That he could tear it apart.

His name was Andy and we had a common friend,
I guess he was jealouse and try-ed to put our relationship
To an end.

I told me that Andy has cheating and was not true,
I was heartbroken, i did not know what to do.

I confront him and asked him for the truth
He said that he was a lier, and nothing of
The things he said was true

I was stupid and blind, so i believed him,
Whatever he would say
I trusted him, we where together,
I just wanted him to stay.

The days went on, and the lies continued
And one day he broke up,
It was just a simple thing...
But it did not Mather
He must had plan it for a long time
And it was a poor reason,
He leaved me alone in a cold season.

It took me two years to forget,
It took me several to forgive,
And still don´t understand why
He did those things he did.

And so did the love abuse go on,
I just wanted to find someone...

My heart where broken for so many years
And my eyes, kept pouring tears.

Throw the years of searching i found someone,
But i was scared and i was insecure,
If i could be with you.

We had been friends for almost two years, you
Where there through al my fears.

You where so shy, and was not my kind of guy.
And we where just friends...
I was really blind, and i couldn't see, that you loved me.

Then i understand, and i hoped that i would love you.
I try-ed for a long time, and finally it came true,
It have been soon four years, ..and i still love you.

And now i am so down into you...
So please don´t hurt me again,
I want to trust you, don´t cause me more pain.

I just want to be happy and ,
To find someone to share it with..
I don´t want to find someone else to love,

You are the one i called for up above.

thanks for reading, comments would be nice.
- Mikaela


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  • 20 years ago

    by steve

    beautiful poem I hope you dont get hurt this time