
by *~*Soldier Lover*~*   Feb 19, 2005

Everybody has different pieces of themselves.
Some pieces no one understands.
Sometimes shelter in a storm is nowhere to be found.
The most beautiful parts of life are ignored or never found.
Happiness is an emotion, its roots lie in Love and Joy. This shows happiness can be created or ignored, as people ignore Anger or Lust.
All of these things are layers of the soul.
When the right person comes along and peels back these layers, there are tears involved.
Souls are like onions in that way, peel back the layers and cry a little.
So maybe the key to life is not within others, but within yourself.
Keep peeling until tears of Realization cascade down your cheeks like rain into the ocean.
Let emotion flow out of you like a flooded stream.
Don't just live, Live. Really Feel life, not just passivly accept it and all its ups and downs.
View life as a gift, something to cherish. Not a forced ride on a roller coaster of emotion.
When you can peel the layers of your soul and feel so deeply moved enough to cry, know then that you have discovered the key to life.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Robert

    this was very heart felt but seemed more like a essay rather then a poem read Pride or Profit you will see the difference and tell me what you think

  • 19 years ago

    by Dorotea©

    Wow, beautiful! You have a lot of imagination, and I really loved this poem because it's so different from other poems and so creative. And it's really honest too! What can I say? 5/5 for this poem, I loved it, u have a lot of talent!
    p.s Actually no I'm not Italian :D hehe

  • 19 years ago

    by Kaitlin Kristina

    I like this piece very much. It is very true in so many aspects. You seem much older than 15. Make sure to follow your own advice here, its good stuff.

  • 19 years ago

    by Aubrey

    nicely writen! nice flow!!! 8/5

    i live northeast!..where does he live?

  • 20 years ago

    by Heathergirl