Everything that could ever go wrong

by Charlee   Feb 19, 2005

Why did this happen?
i just want to die
What once was perfect
Is now all a lie

You played me so long
It's just not fair
I feel so betrayed
I thought you cared

I was blinded by love
I didn't want to know
But know i have found out
There is to much pain to show

I draw the knife across my arm
Not only because I'm in pain
but because I promised you
i would never do it again

But why did you do this
Why was I lead on for so long
You should of told me from the start
My heart isn't really that strong

I cannot bare this on my own
But I cannot fall back down
I'll pick myself up
And I'll try not to frown

This may sound crazy
But I cannot lie
It will be hard to get over
What we had before it died

There is still a space for you
Deep within my heart
I know you don't deserve it but
In my life you played a big part

You changed myself
In so many ways
I have experienced love and pain
To much in the past few days

You taught me to be strong
And stand up for myself
You showed me adventure
And how real obsession felt

I offered you love
but you pushed it aside
I gave you friendship
but love was to hard to hide

I was just to young
I wasn't good enough for you
But what about that other girl
Oh no you played her to

I never want to speak to you again
You'll only make me fall
because of all your stupid lies
You'll deny it even more

You hate me
It was all a stupid lie
You never cared for me at all
Thats what you'll deny

I don't need you
I have my friends
They'll pick me right back up

I'm happier with them
Cause they make me feel
Like a much better person
Not like a fool

So believe me when I tell you
Stay outta my life
Don't ever come back cause maybe
I might just draw out that knife

*For Brenton


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