It's Funny

by angelposer   Feb 19, 2005

It's funny how
None of the people that see me everyday
No about the double life I am living
Funny how people believe my cheap fake smile
It's funny how my friends
Don't even care about my pain

Funny how at a website
Where millions of random strangers
Gather together
Have opened their hearts
To me,
Letting me know that they are there
Whenever I want to talk
And pushing me to hold on
When I feel like letting go
So thankyou everyone
For making me feel welcome
It means so much
And Mama B...
You don't know what all you have done for me...
I will never forget you
Or Beth,
The two friendly strangers.
Thankyou all.


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  • 19 years ago

    by She Is Now Gone Away

    I'm BeTh's cuz Nix (Nicole). I not really one who writes poetry but i have heard alot about you. I've read some of your poems and I think u r very good. keep it up!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by She Is Now Gone Away

    Hey its me beth I like your poem and no problem. You could be my little sister i really dont mind. but keep writing you know your that good. I miss your comments on my poems. You know i'm here if you need to chat when ever you need it.

    Love Always,
    Your older sister Beth

  • 19 years ago

    by She Is Now Gone Away

    Hey its me beth I like your poem and no problem. You could be my little sister i really dont mind. but keep writing you know your that good. I miss your comments on my poems. You know i'm here if you need to chat when ever you need it.

    Love Always,
    Your older sister Beth

  • 20 years ago

    by LOOPE

    I really understand how you feel, nice poem and keep it up.
    if you ever need to talk i'm here.

    take care!!!