Love in death

by Leslie B. Lyke   Feb 19, 2005

I dream of a man, who's tall and strong, he comes and tells me stories, of a love thats gone wrong, the man is very handsome, and when I look into his eyes, I see a love so pure and deep, that passion will arise, I sit in golden twilight,I wait for my love night after night, and when he shows we hold eachother tight, I whisper softly to him,"dear one I love you so",he just smiles and takes my hand, and whispers back "I know", and then with a gloomy and restless fight, I wake to realize,that this man is but a dream, and I spend my life in sighs, And some times the dreams, are better than real life, so I will test this claim, and bet it on my knife, I close my eyes as tears fall down, and soon i have no fear, because this man from my dreams, is now to me so near, I hear him walking toward me, and I know my death is here, as I drop my bloody knife, he says "I love you dear", I breath in one last time, and I feel his arms around me, and now I'm loved and now I'm dead, but at least my spirits free, the moral of my story, you can ask anyone, tis better to have love in death, then to live your life with NONE!


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  • 20 years ago

    by BryannaR

    hey leslie i love all of your poems i would give you 10 stars if i could but thats sorta hard im 15 how old are you, email me at

  • 20 years ago

    by BryannaR

    hey i love alll of your poems they relate to me so much check out my poems most of mine are about depression, but I LOVE YOUR POEMS!!!

  • 20 years ago

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