When I was innocent and nieve
When good fogged the bad and you couldn’t see
When skinned knees were the worst that could happen
When boys didn’t break hearts and saden
Those were the days when we rode bikes for hours
When we thought bullies were mean and never realized they were cowards
Those were the days when everyone was trustwothy
And when fantacies became a state of reality
The days when the sun set in the ocean
When the moon followed you and was always in motion
The days when storkes delivered babies
And when life was all smiling and picking daisies
Now the bad fogs the good
And all boys do is lie
They make you cry for hours
Then in a second makes you feel like you can fly
Now it’s all work and no play
We have realized you can’t believe everything people say
Reality is far from fantacies
And fantacies are never to come true dreams
Now the Earth rotates and is round
There’s no such thing as the end of the Earth
We now know sbout the birds and the bees
And life is all ups and downs and inbetweens
It’s funny to think when you are young
All you want to do is grow up
And whenn you finally do
You want to go back to when life was new