
by .x.PorteR.x.   Feb 19, 2005

Dear friend,

Please listen…

I know I have said this all before,
And you don’t really care.
But I’m really worried about you
And I don’t think you’re being fair.

You won’t even tell me what I did wrong.
All I did was be concerned…
And then the next thing that I knew
I was charred, scared and burned.

You said things to me I wouldn’t believe
Had someone told me they were to come.
My heart is broken into two…
You made me feel like the lowest scum.

I hope you’re happy with what you did,
You made me feel so bad.
I started that habit up again,
And now I feel so sad.

I’ve made a vow to myself this time:
I’ll not crawl at your feet.
I don’t see what I did wrong,
So I will not retreat.

When you finally decide to talk to me,
And explain what’s going on,
I might try to forgive you…
Unless my love’s already gone.

- Rebecca


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  • 19 years ago

    by SoRrOwFuL Claire

    Hey porter great piece of writing i no the pain that the poem explains keep going i want to see more of your work
    luv from clairey

  • 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    great poem!

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