A Little Bit Closer

by Toni   Feb 19, 2005

My life has been written
For everyone to see
But still I wonder
Who knows the real me?

Poem after poem
The events of my life
Easing the pain,
The tears and the strife

Written words
To express my pain
Thoughts of suicide
Again and again

But how can these words
Ever describe?
The despair that I’ve felt
And the pain that’s inside

For I know deep within
That even though I try
I’ll never be able to explain
Why each night I cry

And these words don’t come close
To expressing my fears
My pain and despair
That’s haunted me for years

But maybe, I hope, I am just
A little bit closer
To finding myself
And ending this roller coaster

And maybe, I hope, I am
Nearer the light
Maybe a few steps less
To ending this fight

And maybe one day soon
My heat will start mending
And I’ll be that bit closer
To my true happy ending?

Thanks for reading x


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  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Damn, Damn, damn!! I loved this, I mean like fell head over heels in love with this poem! woooooow............wooooww.......damn damn damn!! God girl! You're soo good! You've been added to my favories!!

    Can you read my new poem? Kill the Beating Heart. That's the title! I'd love to keep in touch, and I've sent you a private message yesterday, but you never responded, so I'll try again later. Take care!!!


  • 20 years ago

    by Toni

    Thanku every1 it really means a lot xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Ironic Allure

    I love this poem, especially the last verse. The fact that It's so hopeful all the way through, yet left with a question is something that I myself and others I'm sure have felt at some point. I love it.
    Take care of yourself hun.
    Always here, You're in my prayers.
    All my love,

  • 20 years ago

    by jescelle

    yeah i agree, oliver is right.....we can all see how much your improving! great write gurl! love you

  • 20 years ago

    by Toni

    Thanku hunni xxx