Two Broken Hearts

by Heather M Craig   Feb 20, 2005

Steer clear of emotions,
disguise your every beat.
Escapes of tender care
by pushing away the concrete.

Conceal your heart
as a barrier to your justice.
Misguide yourself by forcing
away your every touch of closeness.

To the broken past,
pieces left dissipated.
A standing out of yourself
never wanted to end up jaded.

A tender heart within
concealed by shadows of divine.
If you would only let yourself
the world would see your shine.

Two broken hearts as one
from the troubled past we grew.
Love between the sacred souls
I wish I could tell you I love you.

© Heather M Craig

--explanation of this poem, I don't even understand my own feelings at this moment but the meaning evolves from basically of two friends who fall in love with each other but fears push them away from forming in to anything. "Two broken hearts melt to one."


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    ~ lovely write, heather
    ~ take care, 5! always believe in love ~amit

  • 20 years ago

    by Bizarre

    aww i really really like this one. at first i really didn't understand it, then i read that thing that you posted at the end. great work, Heather.

  • 20 years ago

    by Dead As Yesterday

    Heather your work is so well written its hard to belive you'r only 16 "I wish i could write the way you do" lol

  • 20 years ago

    by christina

    great poem it made me think abt smethings :D!!!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by BreatheNoMore

    this poem makes me think of sumthing in my own life, and thanx 4 commenting but It deffinately is not that I don't believe in the religious God because I'm a fact i cannot stand teenagers, I know that there is some force that revolves in this earth I just believe that religion is something created by man to fill the vacancy in their lives and fear of the unknown, Its so much easier to rely on a higher power when you are weak, but all that does is either convince sumone further of this power when really it was themselves that solved their problems making them unnecesarilly dependent, or it furthers ignorance and continues the pointless cycle of using your energy on something that will ultimately get you no where in life