You Dont Even Know Me

by x..bittersweet..x   Feb 20, 2005

You act like you know everything
but you’re just a hollow shell.
And on the day that you die,
may your body rot in Hell.
An angry, lost and tortured soul,
the emptiness I felt.
The sorrow you had left me in
it made my feelings melt.
You don’t even know me anymore,
so don’t act like you do.
For up until this enraged moment
I’ve lived my life for you.
But tomorrow is a new day,
and a new me shall be born.
No longer will your words hurt me.
No longer shall I mourn.
In tears you left my world
with nowhere left to turn.
Cursing your name throughout the night
now I hope you rot and burn.
I don’t know who you think you are,
but you’re not the person I once knew.
Ever since she walked into your life
the times we get along are few.
I don’t want your time now anymore
it’s only been my anger you fed.
And when you’re gone and your funeral comes
I’ll only go to make sure you’re dead.
Don’t bother trying to explain to me
why you’ve put me threw all this. Don’t kiss me on the head, goodnight.
I don’t want the Devils kiss.
Just forget about the pain you’ve caused,
though you already have, I’m sure.
Just forget about each tear you’ve caused,
for your death will be my only cure.
And until that faithful day does come,
maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow.
I pray you live your dreadful life
only feeling sorrow.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Priscilla

    omfg! this poem is so damn good! keep up the good work and thanx for your comment on my poem..bye