Love has no end

by Julia   Feb 20, 2005

With his every step,
With his every move,
Her frail abused body,

Her eyes read from tears,
Her lips dry from cries,
Yet they ceased;
They had now turned to screams,

Her wrists, began bleeding,
From the ropes,
From the chains...

Fear overwhelmed her:
Every heart beat seemed so hard
So violent
As though, any minute,
She might break, burst open,
As though pricked by a needle...

Yet something strange remained
In those pale innocent eyes:
Not the fear of the man
And his glinting knife
Nor the pain shown
By her blood tainted dress
Or the screams of her voice
From the abusive sex...

No, for in those eyes there remained worst of all,
The neglected love of this poor, blinded girl.

And when a few hours later,
She was dead on the floor,
Her "rape story" was the headline
Of every read newspaper around.

Yet little did they know,
That on that very night,
The one she had loved and trusted,
Was the same who bore the knife.

And then perhaps there came in the meaning,
Of "Loving to your soul's last breath".


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  • 18 years ago

    by *sTaRbUtTeRfLy*

    Hi there i hadnt been on here ina while and i was thinking about my poms so i got on here to read them and one of my fav poms u wrote a comment about a while back and i just wantd to thank you...i was kinda sad and just wantd to say thanks for the commnt u left about my poem ...i was only 13. thanks alot it meant alot to me

  • 19 years ago

    by !*!Zoe!*!

    WOw, this is such a fantastic poem. I was so completely absorbed in it and I just couldn't tear my eyes away. You make a very interesting point here and I've been thinking about it. THis is such and intense poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by Kalika

    incredibly sad, but so well written....
