Sweetheart Dance 2005

by ChildofGod87   Feb 20, 2005

Dancing through the night away
Praying that he would be there
And ask me to be his!!!
But that didn't came to be..
Such a fool am I not showing
That I have interest in him!

Did I lose my chance with him?
Was there any kind of chance?
Or did I wait too long?

I took the night away with my movements
With my love for dancing
And spreading it to everyone!!
Especially having an Angel being there with me!!

I seen a guy that I kinda know
Dancing with her like she is all his!
And I thought to myself
When would that day come to me?
I made some eye contract with him,
But I was just looking at his beauty with her!!

So sweet...
So warm...
And especially he had passion to her & the song(s)
Seeing that, is like "Wow"
You just had to be there to see & feel it!!
Wanting that, but it's too late now
The dance is over & life going to
Be taking over by couples!!!

I didn't see someone, but I guess
I blow him away from me...
I have a way by doing that!!
And I feel bad about not giving the right signs!!

® Copyright © Sedusha 2005

*Sweetheart was fun ought times, but I'm sorry if I didn't answer correctly to you! O gosh, I'm sry!*

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  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Sedusha, Great write with so many heartfelt emotions. Hugs to you, don't give up that dance might get started yet. Take Care beautiful, heartfelt poem. lol