15 years

by sarah-elizabeth   Feb 20, 2005

>You and I have known each other for ages,
>Our photos go on for pages beyond pages.
>Its not just we have known one another, it’s that we are friends,
>I hope our friendship never ends.
>You and I stuck together all the way,
>There to help one another through the day.
>We scrapbook and do dancing,
>We love tap, not prancing.
>Laughing is what we do most,
>Our favourite is cheese and vegemite on toast.
>Our times are always happy, never sad,
>We were there for each other through the good and the bad.
>We always had fun no matter where we would be,
>It will always be ‘you and me’.
>We had so much fun in the cubby house,
>Although the trampoline was also grouse.
>The funny pictures we have taken,
>You and I can’t be mistaken.
>We have fun because we bring it with us,
>We are easygoing, we don’t fuss.
>15 years is a long time to stay friends,
>Hope our fun times never end.
>You and I have done so much together,
>May we remember this forever and ever.


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  • 20 years ago

    by JJ

    good job!