Heaven's Gate

by ShadowedPhoenix   Feb 20, 2005

I'm standing at heavens gate,
praying to be let in but they say it's to late,
the sin's I've committed cannot be erased
and in heaven I can no longer stay.

I asked to see God
and they said he wasn't there....
I don't understand it,
They said he'd always care??

They said I'd had my chance,
But I messed it up again!
That God doesn't want me,
I do injustice to his name!!!

I said I was sorry,
I begged for forgiveness,
They said it won't happen,
I'd made too many mistakes.

If only I could make God listen
Then he'd tell them it'd fine,
That I am a Christian
And my afterlife is his this time!!

But no one can hear me,
although I'm screaming so loud,
My voices is echoing
*But they're not hearing a sound!!

PLEASE let me in,
I need to see God!!!
Surely he'll listen
And get me past heavens guards....

They telling me these stories,
stories of what I'd done
But I don't remember doing that??
They must be doing it just for fun!

I tell them they lying
BUT they swear they tell the truth,
how can I stop them?
When they don't even listen to you...

But now I'm on my knees, Begging..
"God please forgive me, Let me in???
Destroy this demons that live within,
"they" trying to kill me, Lord!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by The Angel of Secrets

    Well, I like it just as much as the first time:P

  • 19 years ago

    by Little Dot

    Super work, this poem is very well written and thought out.

  • 19 years ago

    by cac123

    loved loved loved loved it! you have such a beautiful imagination and you know how to put htem on paper!! hahha you have a wonderful gift!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Emilia

    very good.. I loved this one.. I voted a 5 =) please check out some of my poems.. thank a lot.. hugs

  • 19 years ago

    by ShadowedPhoenix

    Firstly I'd like to thank you all for commenting it really means so much! Thank you especially to Daniel, Zoe and Brooke for your suggestions, i really appreciate it for it allows me to grow as a poet, so ThAnK yOu!!!
    I did a spell check and i agree with the suggestion made by Zoe and Brooke and I did change it, I put a * next to the line where i did so that people can see that it wasn't MY idea and rather a suggestion!!!
    Once again Thank you all!!!