
by Nobrainy_duh   Feb 20, 2005

Fear and blindness surround me,
Where am I? Where should I be?
Can I keep the promises I made to You,
Or am I just a stupid fool?

Where is my once strong faith?
When did I start ignoring blessings gained?
Where has the love I once had for You gone?
How much longer is the much-anticipated dawn?

Tears fall to the ground as I grieve,
Your aide and love I long to receive,
As my mind is filled with doubt and fear,
Please give me the faith to persevere.

I long for your touch and I long for peace,
I long for courage even the very least
So many thoughts fill my mind,
Most unpleasant forming my own binds

Help me Lord, to find where I am,
Be with me in this rugged land
Help me be what You want me to be,
And lift my blindness to I can see.

Kinda corny, but I wrote it a long time ago, around the same time as "Savior", but anyway, enjoy!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Anne Conner

    Sorry for how short my earlier comment was. I was running out of time.
    Anyway I really do love this poem and it isn't corney. actually I think it is a wonderful picture that you have painted with words. Truly a work of honest art. ~lizzie~

  • 20 years ago

    by Anne Conner

    Great poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by Lipton

    Aww... I love you! Even though my love is of no comparison to God's... Anyway, it wasn't corny. I have spells like that constantly. Good Job.

    ~Ciao Lipton