
by Elyssa   Feb 20, 2005

The endless Hours of stories
always told with thought and care,
sitting on her knees
while her finger
gently traced the lines of life
on my back.
A trisect a trasket
I lost my little
yellow basket.
Dancing on her feet
In the kitchen with care,
dancing to the counting,
the singing of 1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4
Waiting for the foot
to come out of the oven.
The cheers and Boos
coming from the other room.
I ignored it all,
wanting to stay
there forever
with the person
I looked up to the most.
The endless laughter
The endless stories
Never seemed to fade.
Now it slowly seems to be drifting away.
I know you can't remember,
but I know you can feel.
you can feel the love
I give to you each and everyday,
just like you did for me.... I love you Nanny


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  • 20 years ago

    by Robyn Park

    Very heartfelt and sad. Well written, and a nice read. Groovy poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by SweetDreamer

    Wow, this story seems to reflect my relationship with my Nanny so much. I think it's great, and it's nice to see you loved your Nan so much. :)

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