
by Elyssa   Feb 20, 2005

All quiet in the night,
I quietly turn on the light.
I silde away into the night.

I shall not let out a peep,
so silently I creep,
Every so slowly just down the street.
To my tree I do sleep,
and at my lovers greet,
I will jump to my feet.

I jump with glee, with a fast weap,
I shall never jump to my feet,
I will never peep,
becasue my lovers dead.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Vanessa Lea

    Your poetry is just a mix of emotion which is good, but it is hard to read. I love the way you just say what you mean though, and I think that this poem is great.

  • 20 years ago

    by Minkus

    It's weird, and I thought the rhymes were a little forced... good job though.

  • 20 years ago

    by FireCracker

    Uhh, the ending was fine, i wasnt confused at all .. it was done very nicely and yes they are both right it was very very creative and i enjoyed every line. ! keep it up .. ! Cant wait to read more, lol .. and also id love to know what u think of my poetry ! .. lol .. thanks again !
    - Maybeth -

  • 20 years ago

    by Robyn Park

    I agree with RainbowRachel. Although, I didn't find the ending confusing, just surprising, but good. Nicely written.

  • 20 years ago

    by SweetDreamer

    Very creative poem. You write it well, and I liked reading it. It was confusing at the end though, there was no build-up, it didn't seem connected with the rest of the poem, but maybe an unexpected ending was what you were going for. Nice work! :)

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