I Didn't Know

by Ann   Feb 20, 2005

I didn't think it could happen
Didn't think it was so true
Didn't think I could miss someone
As much as I'm missing you

Didn't know I'd be so lost
Without you here with me
I love you more than life itself
You allow me to be free

I didn't know what love was
I didn't know how to live
Until I got to know you
You've given all you can give

I didn't know that someone
Would always be there to care
But you showed me what love was
And told me you’d always be there

I've never been so in love
Never been in this deep before
But when I'm with you
My heart keeps begging for more

I love it when I'm with you
My heart will always smile
It knows that you will always
Make my life worthwhile

When you're holding me
Our hearts are close together
I get that feeling inside me
That tells me, this is forever

Being with you, lets me heart know
Nothing has ever felt this right
I know nothing can go wrong
As long as you’re holding me tight

Baby I should let you know
I'll love you forever and a day
No matter what could happen
Together, forever – we'll find a way

I realized, on this day
I cannot live without you
I wouldn't survive alone
Even for a day or two

I love you with all my heart
More than ever thought to be
I hope we just get closer
And you see exactly what I see

Please comment and rate. thanks.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Kailynn Makenna

    Heyy awesome poem!! i really like it! greattt job! i gave it a 5!!


  • 20 years ago

    by R F

    Hello Ann,
    I read your pome,and i am telling you that its so sweet and felt like it was so true,this part was my fav :

    I've never been so in love
    Never been in this deep before
    But when I'm with you
    My heart keeps begging for more

    it was so emotional,lovely story ; )

    Keep Writing mate,