Its Nothing New

by Emily   Feb 21, 2005

She cringes in her conner.
Its something shes grown a custom to.
Its nothing new.

She hears her dad walking up the stairs.
She hears his scream getting close.
shes see his shadow gleam though the door.
he goes in and starts to throw his fist.
Its nothing new.

So this girl grew up.
To the same old thing.
She began to drink
at only 13.
the guys treat her like trash
Its nothing new.

She wake up in the night.
To the screaming in her dreams.
she starts to cry.
Its nothing new.

Her teacher sees her bruise.
she asks her to stay after class
when she asks what happened
the girl starts to laugh
makes up a story
Its nothing new.

When she gets home
her mom is passed out.
dads at at the bar
Its nothing new.

She walks up into the attic
Her secret spot
in the same conner
where she grew up

when she sits down
she pulls out the knife
and she made it so deep
she wasn't surprised
when it didn't stop

shes going to die
but she knew
she had it all planed
....Its nothing new.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Danielle D

    good poem never stop wrighting ur good