Left To Face

by BreatheNoMore   Feb 21, 2005

Left to face nothing but
Concrete hell and obscured love
Left no choice but to live in a world
That ignorantly stares for nonexistence above

Secluded and obscured
By faces and familiar places
That leaves you desolate and suffocating
Distant smiles surfaced above the hating
Hollow existence
Unnecessary pain
Like brainless parasites waiting for the day
That some tiny gain will appear in site
So that we all may go on with some blind faith for the invisible
With no grasp of our permanent plight

Every man dies alone
The inevitable since birth
But what we don’t realize is we are ceaselessly solitary
Departing from truth with each defilement of our earth

Polluting our minds
With fumes and tainted provisions
We don’t need a house on every hill
We can’t accept the infection of societies decisions

Working day and night, for the sake of living
To create a system where the wealthy keep receiving
Paying taxes to the corrupted powers
To make sure the deprived are scarcely breathing

Knowing to see the truth
Without investigating
We recognize the words of how to live
But we never take into account what these terms are truly stating

Controlled by fear on every level
Victimized by an illogical force
Suffocating proudly
Working towards another insignificant life of remorse

Copyright ©2005 Jessica Tedder


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  • 19 years ago

    by MYkisstoBETRAY

    Wow that was pretty awesome.....very deep, keep it up! 5/5*

  • 20 years ago

    by TrUtH hUrTs

    kewl write
    ur a gr8 writer:)

  • 20 years ago

    by Shadows Collide

    hey this is a f**king incredible poem. U write some similar stuff to me, so i can relate to it well. Keep writing poems like this.

  • 20 years ago

    by *¤*FoolInLove*¤*

    Great Poem!! You put a lot of emotion in it!! Keep up your good work!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    as for the comment you left on PEERS, i just wanted to say to you that it is among your beliefs to not believe in God, however, I have chosen to suceed in that path. Judgement Day truth will be revealed and I never said I was right. And no it is no ones fault they are depressed, i am a very depressed disturbed individual, that was not at all what I may of meant and if it came across like that then I'm sorry. But thank you for the honest comment.

    And i like this poem for your openess of opinion however, as you know, I defently do not agree with you. To choose to believe in God comes from your own faith. As it seems you would like to believe, God's not there for the tribulations occured in the world yet I tend to thank Him for all that's exploited among us. The struggles I have faced has strengthened my heart and knowledged me on a newfound journey. Maybe your unfaithful attitude toward Him speaks from being a teenager or perhaps it speaks from being a teen and perhaps it speaks from truth reigning within you and whatever the case, I am not againest your way of beliefs, I respect the world with an open mind. Keep in touch with me!

    Love Always N forever

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