A Beautiful smile.. Resubmited...

by Cara   Feb 21, 2005

A beautiful smile is hidden behind her sad face walking around the halls all day wanting to cry after every step she takes.

Everything she had as been taken away it seems just like yesterday

everyday when she gets home she does not bother sitting by the phone hoping and praying that he will call

because she knows he’s not around his life was taken at only 16

she had so much to live for, then he died

she forgot who she was....
she does not like to smile she just frowns

she is still very weak but she does not let it show not even for a minute

She stared to date she sometimes smiles
she is so depressed sometimes she just wants to die

she does not want to get up in the morning to go to school its just not the same

All she wants to do is stay home and cry alone in the dark

she as tried so hard to mend her broken heart

the only thing in this whole world she wants is him

she wants him to come back so that she does not have to hide….

She started to smile and be happy again, but it never really felt right to her, she always thought that she was doing something wrong…

Things would sometimes get better but then they would all change again and she would be back to being sad without him with her…

She took all of his pictures down to try and ease the pain…. But nothing has worked…

Nothing has changed excepted the way she hides things… so deep down bottled up inside

She even keeps her tears from rolling done her face…

She doesn’t want anybody to know how much she is still hurting…

You could say she hides it all very well…

To think that she would be any better after almost 6 months you were wrong she still misses him very much….

This Girl is me, I am so weak, and the fear of living without him is now haunting my dreams

This Girls beautiful smile will be hidden behind her sad face
for years to come she will never be as happy as she once was
she gets lonelier and lonelier every step she takes


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  • 20 years ago

    by Jennifer Fox or Jackson

    girl you know i'm here for you...i love you so dang much and if you need to talk I am all ears...you shouldn't bottle things up like that!...i just hope you will be ok...i care about you so much, i just want to help out in any way i can!...well talk to you l8r chica, chows-4-now, jen

  • 20 years ago

    by tIrEd BoY wItH wIrEd EyEs

    hey i liked this i have the same prob so u can reach me at dvdhoman@yahoo.com
    talk to u then if u want