A Childs Innocence

by ElegantlyWasted   Feb 21, 2005

Tonight i heard Daddy,
Crying in his sleep
I thought he must be sick
So i stuck socks on his feet

Maybe he needed a drink,
From working so very much
So I gave him some apple juice,
In my favorite Barbie cup

He was really shivering,
I didn't know what to do
So i got my cuddly teddy
And my baby rug to.

I snuggled up next to him
And whispered in his ear
"Daddy I'll always love you,
Even if you didn't care"

My Daddy finally spoke,
Tears streaming down his face
"God, i hate you so much,
For taking my daughter from this place
She had been so special,
To me and my wife,
If only i had stopped yelling
She wouldn't have taken her life
The rope was so tight,
I just couldn't cut her free
I know i am so hopeless,
God, please forgive me"

With that prayer i smiled,
And slowly faded away
Because my Daddy loves me,
And in my heart he'll stay


... I saw this little girl today, getting yelled at by her dad for dropping something. That kind of inspired me to write this. In a weird way.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Allissa

    it brought me to tears...i wish my mom would just cry for me so i know she does care

  • 20 years ago

    by cant sleep

    damn. thats all i can say. that was awesome. if i could write like that....then...damn. -nancy

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather Nicole

    dude..man i got the chills...omg!! that was written so well..keep it up..if you dont mind check out my stuff..Heather Nicole

  • 20 years ago

    by unprotected lover

    d*a*m*n i love it your on my favorists

  • 20 years ago

    by ReenIe

    amzingli scari! scarili amazing! u go gurl!!!!