Losing My Talent

by Broken Hearted Immortal   Feb 21, 2005

I'm starting to lose my talent, i can't seem to write anything, will it soon Be gone? or will it always stay with me? it seems to come in a minimum, in a short supply, like its leaving, i remember when it came in a maximum supply, when it all came out in one try, now i must try, and try again, maybe its all this stress, that is causing this short supply, maybe I'm not losing my talent, maybe thats what i need to think, in order to step up my game, to keep the train of thought going, to keep it alive and well, to tell the truth, I'm starting to realize, that me thinking i lost my talent, is a way to keep me writing, till the day i die.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    lol, you're not a bad friend at all!!!!!!! Don't think like that, you're wonderful!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Girl, you need to respond more, lol.

  • 20 years ago

    by EpithetPoet

    Yeah i know what you mean. i've been having trouble writing lately. dont know why. it'll come to you eventually. hopefully.

  • 20 years ago

    by xxangelchicxx2000

    very good. keep it up.

  • 20 years ago

    by Red Tears Of The Soul

    you can never lose your talent... you just have to dust of the cobwebs one in a while. ^_^x great poem by the way.

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