Friends, One Day

by TerryF   Feb 21, 2005

We shared so many good times as one,
Trips, dinners, and intimate love.
What we had was together was magic,
The fact that I let you go, to me, is now tragic.

So now you've found some one new,
To not be able to hold you in my arms makes me sad and blue.
I want so much to turn back time.
I long for the day that I could again call you mine.

I want to be a part of your every day.
To share with you in every way.
But now I'm alone and feeling the pain,
Instead of sunshine, I only see rain.

You want to be just friends,
And maybe one day,
I'll be able to feel for you in a different way.
But until that happens, I've got to hide,
My feelings, my love, and swallow my pride.

So for now I grieve, and my dues I must pay,
And with a pain in my heart, I can only say.
I want to be friends, but it's so hard to do,
But I promise we'll be friends, when I no longer love you.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Tammi

    love it and man do I know how this feel keep up yhe good work