Why Do I Hate You (2)

by DooDee   Feb 21, 2005

I Hate when I sit by my window
Waiting to hear your voice coming from the bottom of the night
Walk back and forth in the street
Waiting for you to come back , and turn on your light

I hate when you cruise with your car
Roaming all the city ..
Leaving me between doubts
Leaving me in total self-pity

I Hate how careless you are
When it comes to your grades at school
Never studying anything
And thinking it’s totally cool

I Hate when I see you checking out other girls
And slowly starting to play your tricks
I when I hate every girl
You ever knew , ever loved , every ex

I hate when I am never sure
If that look meant anything ? Or was just a glance ?
If you walking by was for a reason ?
Or was it no more that pure chance ?

But Most of all I hate the fact …
That Even though I wrote down all this list
I Do Feel Hurt when I see You with another girl
I Feel Deep Pain, Embracing my heart , and filling my chest ………..


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  • 20 years ago

    by Saravana Kumar S

    Heartfelt poem...keep writing.. take care and keep smiling...