Comments : Confused

  • 20 years ago

    by Sami

    hi.. thanks for commenting on my poem. I only went through with the death of my boifriend and my twin brother. You've lost more than me. I'm sorry.. Your poem describes on how your really feeling inside. Don't listen to other people who tell you to improve your poem, they just probably don't understand. I hope, that you have a more happy future. And by the way, those people who did leave you, want you to be happy as well. So why don't you smile once in a while? it'll make everyone a lil happier. I only write my feelings out in these poems, so I can smile. Well, bai for now.

  • 20 years ago

    by hannah morgan

    thanx 4 commenting means alot to me. x

  • 20 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    Good poem about a bad subject, it seems to be popular on this site...or i am just prone to finding the bad subject poems, either one hehe.

    Good poem.

    P.S. Thank you for commenting on my poem, i always return the favor and i will always comment back if you comment on just took me so long because i was stunned at the response to that poem. I have a new featured poem that is up if you want to take a look at it.

  • 19 years ago

    by bluehun

    Remember this every time you pass a penny in the street
    i was always told it was only lucky if it was heads up.but i love this version.

    i found a penny today,
    just laying on the ground,
    but it`s just not a penny,
    this little coin i`ve found.

    found pennies come from heaven,
    thats what my grandpa told me,
    he said angels toss them down
    he said when an angel misses you,
    they toss the penny down,
    sometimes just to cheer you up,
    to make a smile out of a frown,
    so don`t pass by the penny,
    when your feeling sad&blue,
    it may be a penny from heaven,
    that an angels tossed to you,
    so now pass this on to people you care about and who you feel are sad&blue,
    Cu's there might be an angel,
    thats missing them too

    hope this helps you,sorry to read about your b/f and problems.

  • 19 years ago

    by Sami

    Thats a great poem.