Seriously the best friend anyone could ask for!!

by nickie   Feb 22, 2005

There's nobody who's as beautiful as you. If our friendship had to come to an end I don't know what I'd do.

Yeah I know you've treated me bad before and I was still your friend. It's because I love you more than anything right to the end.

You're the person I can run to when my life is falling apart. You're the best friend that anyone could ask for and you've been there for me right from the start.

I've dried my tears whenever I'd cry. You told me that you loved me when I wanted to die.

I really don't think you can understand how much I really care about you but trust me what I'm trying to say is nothing but true.

You're my best friend and nobody could ever take your place. You're the best friend I could ever have and you've been there to keep me in my lifes race.

When you smile I smile even when I'm sad. When you're upset I'm upset and I try to turn you life around.

No matter what I know I could never be as good of a friend as you are to me. But really Christina I do try to be perfect and I wish you could see.

Yeah I know we've had our fights but they never seem to last. It always seems like we're friends immediately because we think about how much we love each other and we get a news flash.

I'm sorry if I've ever hurt you because trust me it hurt me too. I'm sorry if I've never been there to cheer you up when you were upset and blue.

I'm sorry if you've ever had a broken heart that's never gonna be able to mend. I just want you to know I'm giving you all I have and it's my heart to lend.

I may not be able to make your dreams come true and may not be able to cure you're heart but I can grantee you one thing and it's that I'll be there right by your side helping you like I have from the start.

If you could only see how beautiful you are in my eyes than you wouldn't always have to hide things from me and cover up with a fake disguise.

We tell each other everything there's nothing that we hide. We've told each other secrets and we've told each other when we've lied.

I just want you to know that I could never have a friend as good as you and deep down I'm hoping that no matter how much pain I've put you through I'll always be your best friend too....

This is to my best best best friend in the world Christina! I love you SO much and I know that no matter what we'll always try to get though things together and no matter what "road" we may take we'll always be best friends. Nobody could ever replace you because there isn't one person out there that understands me like you do. I just want you to know that yes I know everything will change next year but I just know no matter what we'll always be best friends. God I like live at your house and I like know you're family better than I like know my own and that's sad Lil but anyone you're like my sister but we share something even better than that.....we're ~*~Best Friends~*~
Stay safe babe! I Love You!
Love Always

Please vote and comment you have no idea how much it would mean to me! Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it!


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  • 20 years ago

    by ♥Me™

    p.s. please check out my work sometimes

  • 20 years ago

    by ♥Me™

    this poem explains the EXACT relationship between me and my best friend who is practially my sister. (alecia). I love your work Nickie. You do great on all your poems. Dont let anyone tell you any different. keep us the excellent work.


  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    ~ very very lovely poem, enjoyed
    ~ take care, 5! always believe in love ~amit

  • 20 years ago

    by JJ

    Awesome job! nicely composed. I had to give it a 5. I'd rate it higher if I keep writing..