Eye of our people

by Amanda   Feb 22, 2005

A flower wilts
a child dies
A murder case
and bloody cries

A new abduction
a funeral
the cemetary
is almost full.

A broken arm
a bruised face
running from a
police chase.

A papercut
a nasty look
theives, and killers
and nasty crooks.

This isn't happy
this isn't fun
the existence of mankind
is done

This is reality
this isn't fake
this is what the eye of our people
all create.


I know it's not the best, I wrote it in like 3 minutes, but consider....


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  • 19 years ago

    by Brad Champagne

    "The eyes of the people"...interesting concept. I liked it a lot. I usually write in a darker, or more visionary tone, so it was a style I enjoyed a lot. If you get a chance, read some of my stuff, comments are always welcome. My older works are more like yours.


  • 20 years ago

    by Amanda

    Thank you too! I will definately check out some of your poems, thanks for the comment!

  • For 3 minutes, that was awesome! It ususally takes me that long to write just a few lines! Bravo! lol well, if you get a chance, check out mine (no hurry though) keep it up!


  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    yourwelcome sweetheart, thank ya for the comment too! love HMC

  • 20 years ago

    by Amanda

    Thank you so much! You are so sweet! I will read some of your poems, and comment! But thank you so much!