What If

by miiss lala   Feb 22, 2005

What if I dumped you
without an explanation as to why
What if I told you I never loved you
and that everything I said had been a lie

Would you think up
a million ways to bring me back
Even if you knew all the feelings you have
are the ones that I lack

Then what if I came crawling back to you
trying to say sorry for everything I had done
That you were the one I truly wanted
and that I was done having my "little fun"

Would you let me come back
into your loving arms
So that you could keep me away
from any harm

What if once again
I told you that we had to part
Because I've found another
but that I still love you with all of my heart

I just want to know
what you'd do
So I can figure out
what to do with you


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  • 20 years ago

    by Aysha

    i can so relate.. i sometimes wonder if the people around me are really worth keeping.. itz just a matter of trust i guess.. =D 5/5

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