Comments : Always Together With You*

  • 20 years ago

    by T

    Brilliant Poem!!!
    The only advice I can give is to let him know how you feel (I know its scary )coz if you dont you'll only regret what might have been.(life is too short for regrets)...the worst thing that can happen is rejection i know its hard to take sometimes but get your friends to help u through it but then again the best thing that cud happen is that ye get together*******
    Best of Luck..

  • 19 years ago

    by *AsHLeY05*

    I agree ^^ tell him how u feel i kno it'll be hard but sometimes lifes tough and then u move on but u never know what could happen u all could be together forever! <3

  • 19 years ago


    "If I could have one wish
    That single wish would be
    That every time you smile
    I knew you were smiling for me"

    That stanza rocked! I love the idea behind this one stanza! Don't get me wrong, the whole poem is good, but this one stanza is really awesome! Keep it up~Holly