
by sami   Feb 22, 2005

I can feel the walls around me crumble
As I'm lying here on the floor
I can still hear your tender words
And taste you're sweet kiss
It seems like just yesterday
You were here with me
But now you're gone and
I don't know if you're ever coming back

How am I going to live without you
I don't think it's even possible
How can I move on without you here
When you're all I ever think about

I wait around hoping you'll call
But the phone is still
And I can't seem to hold myself together
How do I deal
With all this heartbreak and untold lies
You were my life and more
But now you're nothing but a kiss good-bye

How am I going to live without you
I don't think it's even possible
How can I move on without you here
When you're all I ever think about


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  • 18 years ago

    by Bran

    Hey i love this poem it is so cuite.. you commented on one of mine so i thought that i should. BUt yeh its really good and i love it!!
    *bran* xoxox take care!

  • 18 years ago

    by ~*SaM*~tbsfan32

    I like your poem.....thanx for commenting me too

  • 18 years ago

    by ~*SaM*~tbsfan32

    I really liked this and i think your talented.....

  • 19 years ago

    by Ariana

    Very very sad. Theres a spelling error in the first line - 'fell' = 'feel.' I thought this sounded really heartfelt and you definately mean and have experienced what you write about. Nice job :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Jimmy Jr.

    That was very moving to me thankz for commenting me that was very nice of you