One of Gods Puzzles

by Dani Ward   Feb 22, 2005

The Lord is my shepherd,
i shall not want,
this the psalmist told me,
and my mind it does haunt.
for still do i want,
and strongly desire,
to find that special someone,
to ignite my loves fire.
i long to find her,
and hold her in my arms,
to whisper in her ear,
and protect her from Life's harms.
to kiss her sweet lips,
and hold her soft hand,
get lost in her eyes,
windows to a wondrous land.
just to hold her everyday,
knowing that she loves me,
would be so very wonderful,
and bring me so much glee.
i still feel Gods love,
and am joyful in Him,
but my soul-mate is still lost,
in a land that is so dim.
i am one of Gods puzzles,
with so many different parts,
yet one is still missing,
that will complete two hearts.
for when i find that person,
our hearts will be one,
a family will start,
under Gods bright sun.
when will i find her,
i haven't a single clue,
but one thing i do know,
that this, God will do.
it will be in His own time,
which is unknown to me,
yet surely it will happen,
and bring me that glee.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Anne Conner

    Great poem.
    arrive derci, Anne

  • 20 years ago

    by Nobrainy_duh

    Dumb P&Q won't let me vote! Grrrrrr Anyway, awesome poem, and I'm glad at the end you realize that God will send you the woman who will be the love of your life. Anyway, as you said, in time, she will come.

  • 20 years ago

    by Lipton

    Love how you incorporated God into it. I feel the exact same way!

    ~LYMTAB Ciao Lipton

  • 20 years ago

    by It Itty

    Absolutely beautiful....there is really nothing more I can say--wow.

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    ~ very nice write, in rhyme
    ~ take care, 5! always believe in love ~amit