You were the one

by mistake   Feb 22, 2005

Here upon my bed i wake
and turn on my side for one sake
the sake other my lover sweet
who only yesterday i did meet
on that cold and fog day
there was nothing i could say
my tongue was caught
at my one thought
how beautiful she was
and i only say this because
the first time i looked into her eyes
it brought about a slow demise
of thoughts of anger in my head
and i remember what i said
i called you my angel from above
sent so i could give my love
your mouth hung open at you surprise
then you thought i was telling lies
of how sweet you were
yet you had to learn
they were no lies i told
i wanted you till i was old
then your train came yet you didn't move
so i stayed too so my love i could prove
i started with your eyes of grass
sat in crystal clear orbs of glass
then i moved onto your hands
and such finesse they did command
then onto your hair of silk
softer then any quilt
next i complimented your legs so smooth
and watched the sexy way they moved
then onto your lips shaped sweeter the a dove
and suddenly you kissed me with your love
i felt warm i felt bliss
from your sweet and tender kiss
the way you made my legs go weak
its a stronger word i seek
stronger then love itself
i had something worth more then wealth
this thing would last forever
this would not end not never


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  • Aww that was such a nice poem and so well written. I loved it lol. One problem though
    it ended lol

  • 19 years ago

    by The Angel of Secrets

    Wonderful poem:) I saw you sat up a post in discussion and said you needed help so... here it is:P
    Great poem... I'll read the rest of your poems too:)

  • 20 years ago

    by shannon are amazing and under my favorites!

  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Godd.........that was gooooodd!!! So sweet, pure, and beautiful!! I loved it! I think it deserves a bit more than a five, don't you think? You described it so accurately, all the symptoms. Though I didn't really like the whole one day thing much. Love is built, not a word to be thrown on a stranger. Just saying, I know it was just a poem, and I did like it, but that was a bit weird to me. Great one James.


  • 20 years ago

    by Broken Hearted Immortal

    nice work dont dissappoint me now james