The angel

by Mallary   Feb 22, 2005

The words of an angel is what she heard
she laughed at first and thought it was absurd
it was low, soft and quiet like a baby
she questioned herself and thought maybe?
the angel then spoke and said "we need to talk"
"lets go to the beach and take a walk"
your grammy really loved you is what she said
even though the girl questioned this because she was dead..
she had a tear in her eye that sparkled in the light
she would hear what this angel had to say even if there had to be a fight
she said to the young girl with such a soft tone
"she misses you just as much, you're not alone"
the girl almost believed this was true
she had some doubts, but only a few
"is she doing alright up there?" the girl replied
and with that the pretty angel sighed
"she's a bit lonely because she is not with you"
"but knows one day you will be there too"
the sand starts to feel warm beneath their toes
and that moment stood still, it froze
she stared at this blonde woman with wings
and realized even her grammy's heart stings
she looked happier in the days following the talk
and did not count the days or look at the clock.
she realized people do die but soon you will meet again
and you can't always know when.


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  • 20 years ago

    by mistake

    it is a raly nice poem but it needs to flow more but otherwise its perfect:)

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