Oceans apart.

by Tigger   Feb 22, 2005

Oceans apart.

i sit here tonight,
wishing i could hold you,
to tell you that i love you.

I sit here Thinking to myself,
Why did you have to move,
I'm here and you are not,
you are oceans apart.

I sit here wishing i could fly,
over mountains and oceans,
I Could fly into your arm's,

I sit here looking down on a photo of us,
A slow tear leaks from my cold face,
As the tear struck,
it struck my heart.

Every night i sit here,
Wishing i could hold you in my arm's
and tell you that i love you.

I will remember your soft smile,
your soft hand slowly falling of my face,
and your soft voice.

But tonight will be different,
As your lying next to me,
Once again your soft eyes open,
But no soft voice,
To keep me safe
No smile to help me through,
Just your cold hand upon my face,

But soon we will be Together,
for eternity never will i have to shed a solom tear,
and i will always have you in my arms....


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  • 20 years ago

    by ßeAuTiFuLlY~bRoKeи

    aww what a beautiful poem, so sad i could almost feel it...nice work

  • 20 years ago

    by happy days

    wow, i loved this poem, keep it up xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by katie!

    Wow, really powerful keep it up 5

  • 20 years ago

    by Rashelle

    I loved this i could realy relate to it my friend just moved aweay too.
    Great job

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    Awe, how adorable but heart wrenching! I could almost feel your pain. Great job!-5

    love Heather.