No one seems to understand

by Hard2Heal   Feb 22, 2005

I try to make them understand
and tell them what is wrong
I tried to explain my problems
the ones I've had life-long

But they don't understand me,
Even though they think they do
Never in their whole life
Will they know what I've been through

My serotonin's gone
Maybe it was never here
When my problems come flooding in
I will pull the glass near.

I'd say I'm sorry to my family
But that would be a lie
it is because of them
that every night I cry

I wish I could start over
I'd live my life a new
I wish that i could put the glass down
but thats something that i just cant do

The cutting is what i resort to
it releases all the stress
when things are all mixed up
It's there to help me fix the mess

Everyone has a way
of releasing the pain they hold
Mine is just different
It never gets old

Let me do what I need to do
To make myself feel strong
Let me do what I've been doing
I'm fine, I've lived this long.

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  • 20 years ago

    by Chris

    wow. that's really good. i like it a lot.