Battle Against Myself

by Stephanie   Feb 23, 2005

What's the point of living if your always down and depressed?
What's the point of living if your life is full of stress?
I don't know the answers, I'm with you all the way,
I know how you feel every minute of the day.
You wake up every morning wishing you were dead,
And go to bed every night wtih so much on your head.
You lye in your bed crying and screaming,
Wishing for good stuff, your practically dreaming.
Wondering if you'll ever be kissed,
Or if you died, would you be missed?
You hold your life in your hand,
And scream out loud your demand.
I want to be happy, why can't you see,
I want to be normal, I want to be me.
But you don't care what I want,
Your in my dreams, that;s where you haunt.
I try to go just one night,
Without a dream, wthout a fright.
But it's too late, I've lost control,
I've dug myself into a hole.
I slowly start to lose my sight,
I know that I have lost the fight.
For I'm fighting with myself you see,
I'm locked inside, I have no key.
At the age of 15, my name is Steph,
And it's pretty bad when I crave my own death.

~Everything said in that poem is true and I wish to change it all, please vote and comment it would mean so much to me~


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  • 16 years ago

    by Christina

    Wow such a strong poem i can feel your pain and agony in it. Very impressive im just sorry you felt that way

  • 20 years ago

    by Knoxy

    Hey, this is amazing...i'm glad you wrote about sumthin that is totally true..and i can relate...great job...keep it up and take care..
    ~Luv Alwayz Knoxy

  • i can relate to this poem, REALLY good poem.