Please Hear What I'm Not Saying ( Ending Two )

by Hard2Heal   Feb 23, 2005

Please hear what I'm not saying
these feelings deep inside
I need a friend to lean on
someone in whom I can confide.

These feelings are like the glass
cutting deep into my skin
releasing the hidden pain
that I hold within.

The blood seeps down my arm
as do the tear's down my cheeks
all the pain is released
from the past few weeks.

Mommy comes into the room
the glass drops from my hand,
She asks me why I did it,
I said "you just don't understand"

Walking down the halls
feeling stress relieved,
I tell her what had happened,
and the reaction I received,

"How could you do this?"
the words spilled from her lips
the anger in her eyes
could have set fire to a million ships.

The pain is still here with me
as are the scars I hold,
but many secrets still lie within,
all of which have gone untold.

I wish people could understand
all the hurt that is within,
but even when the questions asked
I reply with a sin.

When asked if I'm OK
and if things are "cool" with me,
all I can think of is the glass,
and flowing from my arm that dark red sea.

But I am the Queen
The Queen of 1000 heartaches,
The Queen of 1000 tears,
The Queen of 1000secrets,
And the Queen of 1000 fears.

So the question is should I
hold it all within,
every heartache, tear secret, sin?

And I'll tell you now
the answers no
God did not put me here
to be sent "below"

So I'm letting them out
for the world to see
so that every person can understand
Why I am "ME"


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by KJ

    Loved It!

  • 19 years ago

    by Drew Gold

    Ahh i loved this ending! so much more confidence and conviction it seems is in this one.. i'll only comment on the different ending so... i loved the queen stanza.. great flow that practically read itself..

    So the question is should I
    hold it all within,
    every heartache, tear secret, sin?

    this breaks the flow,.. also.. it looks like you're tryin to say each word from the previous stanza.. like ur questioning if you should continue being the queen of all that,.. i liked the idea a lot,.. but this lacks structure and if you scrapped those lines and rewrote that second stanza with the same idea in mind, i think it'd strengthen this..

    And I'll tell you now
    the answers no
    God did not put me here
    to be sent "below"

    the second line of this.. i dont see why u used answer's instead of answer is.. the latter fits the syllable count more evenly and in return helps the flow.. i liked this idea, cuz its really the better decision.. not being the queen of so much burden can be a relief.. lol not that i know cuz im sure as hell not a queen nor have io ever been.. lol anyway.. good job on this.. the Queen idea/stanza kinda breaks it up because the rhyme scheme and number of lines changes, but i think if u like it then it should stay.. plus its a good stanza as is. pZ out n keep writing.. im lookin forward to more

  • 20 years ago

    by Hard2Heal

    thanks :)

  • 20 years ago

    by Kevin

    Irish Dope has been warned, despite the joke suggestion...fear not....the mods are here.


  • 20 years ago

    by tashhh

    this is a great poem..keep it up