
by angelposer   Feb 23, 2005

I'm sick of trying
Sick of faking
Sick of pretending
I'll never be able
To be good enough..
I have given up
They can just go on thinking
Whatever **** they want to think

Leave me alone!
I'm sick of trying to impress you all

I have left their world
I can finally be myself
I don't have to lie anymore
I don't want to be part
Of their high class world
Of drinking,parties and sex
I don't belong there
I don't belong anywhere

*I don't know if it is just me...but I think this is a horrible poem. It needs a lot of help...please give me some suggestions at all.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Pianist

    Thanks for your comment! Your poem is good in the sense that you wrote down your thoughts, but now try and add some rhyme and rythm to it. You'll find a poem that flows appeals to everyone, and they will find it much more enjoyable. Not a bad poem though!