See me

by crystal   Feb 23, 2005

Emptiness fills my heart
and a tear rolls down my cheek
I don’t know what to do
I don’t know where to go from here
I’ve grown so weak
everyday I put on a smile for the world to see
but nobody really knows
that’s not the real me
so many questions enter my mind
but I’m filled with sorrow
knowing they won’t be answered
I feel empty inside
and so alone all the time
like I’ve lost everything that matters to me
I have gone numb
slowly slipping into this dreaded depression of mine
I keep looking to the clock
watching as it ticks away my time
I feel so alone in this cold heartless world
like no one can see or hear me
I’m screaming on the inside but no one can hear
thinking it might make a difference
I scream out loud so everyone can hear
nobody’s listening
maybe if I wish enough
someday I’ll disappear
I wonder if anybody would notice I’m gone
and if they did it would take them too long
what am I supposed to do with myself
I can’t take living like this for long
I live in my own hell
I’ve fallen on my face
I just need to get up
it’s going to take a while though
more than just a few days
and when that day comes
I’ll make sure that everyone will know


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  • 20 years ago

    by i love you

    oohhhh my lovely crystal....i hope u truly know i love you dearly and im always here for u....seriously if u need a shoulder to cry on, sumone to talk matter what the time is...just come banging on my door always here for u cuz i love you so much and i honestly just want you to be happy...i hope u know that....i love you peaches!!!!
    love ya always and forever
    ayna (kiwi)