The First Time I Saw You

by Mira Ukrainetz   Feb 23, 2005

The First time I saw you, I knew it was true love,
The one I had before was shallow and cold,
But it changed because of you,
Now my feelings run deep and warm.

The first time I saw you, I knew it was true love,
Everything that was dark became light,
The light became as bright as sunshine,
All because I met you,
Until that dark rainy night.

The first time I lost you, I knew it was true love,
I couldn't sleep, with all the pictures of us together in my head,
All I could do was cry, my soul was aching,
My heart was crushed, my tears wouldn't dry.

The first time I lost you, I knew it was true love,
Who should you turn you turn to when you're down in the dumps?
Where should I go? That is my question to you.

Next time I see it, I'll know true love,
I won't forget you, your smile is engraved in my heart,
And all the joy we had,
But most of all,
The first time I saw you, I knew it was true love.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda Bee

    I liked the repeating verse that you used. Very nice poem. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for the comment on my poem too. It really meant alot:)

  • 19 years ago

    by Rebecca

    This was a good poem it reminds me of how I feel about my ex. Keep writeing more poems and I beleive that you will get over him just like I said theres more fish in thee sea. If you get the chance can you vote on my poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by Mira Ukrainetz

    thanks! it started as a school project ;) and the teacher said it was great so i posted it

  • 20 years ago

    by Bumble-Bee-xx

    wow! this poem is amazing! keep up the writing!

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