My worst fear

by Josh Sowiecki   Feb 23, 2005

I silently shed an unseen tear
as I give into my worst fear
The fear I have to be alone
chills my soul right to the bone
I think to myself, who would care
if one day I just wasn't there
Who would actually even know
that I have this fear I cannot show
I lock it deep inside my chest
I think for now that would be best
I cannot show this weakness i was gave
Though at it's mercy I am it's slave
For this pain they have no pill
I am forever at it's unfair will
The only out I have is suicide
to get off this lonely roller coaster ride
So to whoever cares I am saying good-bye
Silently crying as I slowly die


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lucinda

    Wow i loved this poem.. so many people have this same feeling and you put this fear into beautiful words.. :)

  • 19 years ago

    by BrittanyMaxine

    A peoms that explains my life!! well your an awsome writer keep it up!!

  • 19 years ago

    by GoodMorning

    thats so sad hun.......great poem though, keep your head up.....i know how it feels to be alone......anyways, keep on writin' i really enjoy your poems....


  • 20 years ago

    by Kristal Sowiecki

    hey baby its me again. just want to say hi and that i love you! talk to u later.

  • 20 years ago

    by Josh Sowiecki

    When I was locked up I lost my baby gurl, I didn't think I could make it. I wanted more then anything for the pain to stop. I stayed strong and we got back toget her.

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