My Dying Wish

by angelposer   Feb 24, 2005

Dear Class of 2008:

When I am dead
I hope you come to my funeral
I hope you stare
At the cold lifeless corpse
Of the girl you once knew
I hope my face is engraved in your minds
For the rest of your lives
I hope that every day of your lives
You are reminded of the classmate you murdered
Just with your words
I hope you blame yourselves
For my doing it
I hope every word out of your mouths
Is brought back to haunt you
I hope you will be sorry
One day
You were so cruel
I hope that you will want to take back everything
And not be able to
Because I will be gone by then
I hope that each of my dark days
Is lived through one by one
By each of you
I hope that one day you will be able to taste
A bite of what I have been having to swallow all my life


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  • 19 years ago


    ~*~wow i like this poem lol, its a gooder...spankumz for ur comment, i do suck at writing, i wanna becom a writer when i get older but i dont really think i have what it takes lol~*~

  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Great poem with so much emotion. Overlook these jerks, they got some serious problems, and one day they will truly be sorry. Always hold your head as high as theirs and try not to let it bother you. Sooner or later maybe they will see you're a stronger person and I know you have a better heart than theirs. Hugs, lol, *Ann*

  • 20 years ago

    by callie

    this poem is really good. im sorry u have to go through that. i know how that is, and i know it hurts. keep ur head up!